來源:johnantoni@flickr, CC BY-SA 2.0
是真的,HTC 正式宣佈小勞勃道尼將擔任他們的全球代言人。
但 HTC 如果以為邀請小勞勃道尼代言就能刺激低迷的銷售量,該說他們好正向還是好天真?
國外媒體大多只拋下「Wait and see」的結論,沒有人敢對 HTC 的這著棋大聲叫好:
《Engadget》: It remains to be seen whether Downey’s contribution will help drive sales numbers, something that HTC desperately needs to just about survive these days. Perhaps an Iron Man special edition One could be considered? Yes please. Anyhow, press release after the break.
→ 小勞勃道尼能對 HTC 的銷售起多少起死回生的作用,尚待觀察。或許,推一支《鋼鐵人》特殊版本的 HTC One 搞不好是個不錯的合作策略。
《TheVerge》:Can Robert Downey Jr., who HTC says worked closely with its advertising team to develop the new ads, actually sell some phones? We’re about to find out.
→ HTC 聲稱小勞勃道尼為了這隻廣告片和 HTC 緊密的合作,但這些代言廣告真的能幫忙刺激手機銷量嗎?尚待觀察。
《TheWallStreetJournal》很直白的說出為什麼 HTC 和鋼鐵人的合作會如此受到矚目:
The marketing campaigns comes just in time: the beleaguered Taiwanese smartphone maker is about to slip into the red this quarter, because it’s losing market share in both the high-end and low-end of the smartphone market.
→ 這個代言合作來的正是時候。因為,陷入困境的台灣智慧手機製造者 HTC 這季很慘,無論是高端智慧手機還是低端智慧手機的市場,他們都沒把握住。不過,小勞勃道尼的代言,是否能有任何正面加持力?尚待觀察。
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