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thumbnail nMatrix 0.9.561 Beta 中文版 - 快速建立虛擬區域網路 類似Hamachi
Sep 24th 2013, 02:51, by 阿榮™

台灣製造虛擬區域網路軟體 - nMatrix,有些老遊戲需要在區域網路內才能跟朋友一起玩,可以利用此軟體安裝虛擬網路卡(NDIS虛擬VPN網路介面)後,手動建立專屬網路群組ID及網路密碼,所有電腦同時登入後外網變內網順利玩遊戲,還有遠端桌面功能。(阿榮)(下載

DigiStar Studio
系統需求:Windows 8/7/Vista/XP(32及64位元)

Have you ever wanted to play some old but classic video games with your friends? You may encounter some problems caused by those games. The games only support connection in a LAN environment and need a standard IPV4 class c address. However, you want to play them with friends through the Internet. OK, the next release will provide an advanced feature that resolves this issue even Hamachi can't. Please be patient to wait till Mon... :P

※注意:電腦必須有安裝「Microsoft Visual C++ 可轉散發套件 2008」才可以執行此程式!XP安裝時出現「Setup failed! CreateProcess() failed! ec: 14001.」錯誤就需安裝。(2013.09.24)

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安裝版 [0.9.561]
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